Studs - Male Bengals

Bedazzled Bengal King Bagheera

King Bagheera is an (F5), five generations from the Wild Asian Leopard, Bagheera is a Brown and Brown and Black Clouded Rosetted male Bengal Leopard. King Bagheera is a stunning and still growing! He is a Casanova, loves to be the center of attention. King Bagheera is so gentle and loving careful not to play to rough. He loves to romp with the Irish Setters, and our Samusky rescue pup and the Irish Setter puppies when we have them. He is the King of our household and guardian over all the fury babies!!! King Bagheera will produce, Clouded Brown and Black Rosetted, Lynx Pont Snow, and Charcoal Brown, Black Rosetted, and Silver Charcoal Rosetted Bengal Kittens.

Bedazzled Bengal Silverstorm Prince of Wales

He is 1.5 years old and still maturing and growing. Weighs 20 pounds. He is gonna be a big boy!

Prince of Wales is an (F5), five generations from the Wild Asian Leopard. Still growing while under 2 years old. His daddy is a big boy and Prince will be as well. Prince of Wales is a Silver Charcoal Clouded Rosetted with snow white back pelt male Bengal Leopard. His white back pelt glows in the dark. Prince is a big love bug, curious, and very outgoing.  Prince loves to romp with the puppies and get kisses from the older Irish Setters in the family. Prince of Wales will produce several shades of Silver Rosetted, Charcoal Brown and Black Rosetted, and Melanistic Bengal Kittens. He is a big boy already and still growing. Watch for updates.