Bengals Unleashed

Asher & Cora

Asher and Cora came home with us last Friday and made themselves right at home. Curious, playful, busy and affectionate from the start, they quickly let us know that our home was also their home too.

Between their naps during the day, they are still exploring, chasing each other around, and they have their favorite toys.

Although no help at all, they do like to watch dishes being washed, saying hello when the neighbor’s dog stops by and snuggling with my daughter in the morning. Admittedly a bit of rascals at times too.

It was obvious from the first day that the love, attention and care they received from Mary Ann and Danny was incredible. Asher and Cora have from day one showed us snuggles and kisses, while understanding at least some of the rules like “no” and “down”.


We took ownership of Zephyr, now named Ernest, from Mary and her husband at 3 months old. Ernest is an indoor/outdoor bengal now, and has managed to kill 10 mice that we know of in a month. He is fully healthy, looks great, and really enjoys the ranch. His temperament is great and he's a natural hunter which is what we were looking for at our ranch. Ernest has two best friends, both unaltered, male and female European Dobermans, named Zeus and Nyx. We highly recommend Bedazzled Bengals and the dedication Mary has to the breed.

Thank you,

Caroline 8


4 Bengals sold to the Cat Daddy in Ohio


Loki with Tucker's Son

Loki has been an incredible addition to our family and our older Bengal. Loki bonded within a day to all of us especially my son. They are best buds! Thanks Bedazzled Bengal for a well socialized, cool, and beautiful Bengal kitten.


Jasmin (A.K.A. Kokonut)

Here's what April in Washington says about adopting Jasmin (Kokonut): "We are so impressed with Bedazzeled Bengals and our new snow Bengal kitten. My family of five was very particular on the type of cat we wanted to join our family, from stunning contrasting markings to a larger yet cuddly kitten that would bond well with our charcoal lab. Our kitten has been that and more. First of all, Mary Ann understood our requests for a new kitten. She helped to ensure she bred the right parents for our requests and kept us informed of her timeline. After kittens were born, she sent us plenty of pictures and videos so we could ensure the kitten would fit our requests. Once we were sure the kitten would fit, she graciously met us 3 hours from her home to reduce our drive time (in Seattle area). Upon meeting our kitten and Mary in person for the first time, my son said, “You can tell how much she cares for her cats.” Our kitten, Kokonut, was so sweet and perfect. She quickly bonded to us on the drive home. Within 3 days, she was bold and curious and has bonded with our dog. She is so well behaved and well trained. She has had no accidents, has never scratched or attempted to bite. You can tell she has been well handled and allows you to touch her paws to trim. She is very smart and is easy to train, she is already learning to come to her name and doesn’t jump where she is not allowed. We’re so impressed with our new kitten and are so thankful for Mary Ann and Bedazzled Bengals. "


Eva (A.K.A. Sumatra)

Comment from owner, Marla: "Thank you for all the support and answering all my questions. She comes to her name and likes to snuggle."

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Princess Silvie

Silver Charcoal Clouded Rosetted, early generation. Here she is settling in with her new family in Henderson, Nevada. Happy and sweet.


Roxy in Utah

Roxy was sold to a family in Utah. Here she is settling in.


Leo's 9th Birthday - Prince Orion

Leo received Orion for his 9th birthday. Orion was also put on Leo's Birthday Cake.
